Monday, November 2, 2009


I just can't believe that it is already November. I don't know where this entire year has gone. It has been two years that my Grandparent's have been gone. It will be two years that we have been here in Oregon in January. Things are flying by so fast. My kids are growing up before my eyes and I can do nothing to slow it down. I remember the crazy days that I just wished for them to be potty trained or walking etc. I thought oh it will be a little easier then. Nope. Those are the days as hard as they are to enjoy and try to savor. How I long for just one of those days to be here again. I do so enjoy my nephew though. He is a lttle over 2 years old. We sat on the floor and played "CARS" the other night for an hour and a half. It was nice. I wish I would have taken things a little less seriously with my kiddos and spent the extra time to play. I did play but, not like I did the other night. It is so much fun to just be. I am making a promise to myself today. I will stop and play. I will take a little extra time out of my day to stop and play with each one of my kids. Before you know it. They will be grown and won't want to play with me anymore. I am so blessed to have them in my life......I pray that I can bless them!


The Barefoot Shutterbug said...

I can totally relate to that Mommy guilt, and the "What if I's" but I try not to let those thought control me. We did the best we could, and we learned to be better. Yuo are a great Mom, don't forget it! Loved your post! And I love you! Jodi

The Barefoot Shutterbug said...

maybe I will learn to spell check one day...LOL!~