Thursday, September 10, 2009

School is up and running.....

We are finally up and running with our homeschool program. I was rather frustrated with our new teacher. He is a little different (which I don't mind) but, his saleman-ish qualities I DO NOT care for. If you don't have the info just say so, I am so forgiving to someone who tells me the truth. Don't tell me one story (LIE) after another because it ERKS me! Anyway, I have the kids at least working on English and have them doing writing assignments everyday now. I am hoping by Monday they will have their laptops so they can sit at their desks and do all of their school assignments. It is so nice to have peace and order. It is really quite with Derrick at school and now they are busy. SILENCE IS GOLDEN......AHHHHHHHH! I could get use to this. I am currently straightening up my scrap area so that I can scrap, scrap, scrap to my hearts content. I play on scrapping albums for my family for christmas. I would like to do them on my grandparents. This year will be tight so I am trying to find ways to conserve. Plus I get to do what I love and put my heart into it. Anyway, enough for today.

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